martes, 25 de abril de 2017


Nasrid art

Nasrid art, also called Granada art, is the last stage of Hispano-Muslim art. It develops during the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries, extending in addition to the Nazari Kingdom of Granada, Barbary and Christian dominions of the Iberian Peninsula, contributing to the emergence of Mudejar art.
The work by antonomasia that defines to the dynasty Nazarí (1237-1492) is the Alhambra
The Alhambra is initiated by the founder of the dynasty, 
Muhammad I.

Decorative Arts

Similar to the architectural splendor is the one acquired by the sumptuous arts, emphasizing the ceramics of metallic reflection and the fabrics of silk to which the bronzes, inlayings and the arms can be added. Luxury ceramics, known as metallic reflections or gold earthenware, are characterized by subjecting their last cooking to reduced fire - oxygen - and lower temperature

Other art exhibitions

From the mid-twentieth century onwards, there has been evidence of hidden paintings in the Hall of Ambassadors of the Comares Palace of the Alhambra, in parts only accessible to the Nasrid artisans who participated in the construction.

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